Pridružujemo si pravico do zamenjave rezerviranega igrišča! Ob prihodu v tenis center se obvezno zglasite pri osebju na recepciji, kjer vam bodo dodelili igrišče.
We reserve the right to change the reserved court! Upon arrival at the TC Portorož you must first come at the reception to make the check in.
We reserve the right to change the reserved court! Upon arrival at the TC Portorož you must first come at the reception to make the check in.
Price ranges |
Obiskovalci |
Peščeno igrišče
15,00€ |
Asfaltno igrišče
12,00€ |
Booking rules at the sport club
How many hours prior to the term the bookings can be deleted: 4hMax number of booked terms in future: 2
Max bookings per day: 2
If days ahead is 0 this means current day. 7 means today plus 7 days.
Rezervacija obiskovalcem brez vnaprej kupljenega paketa ur žal ni mogoča.
For more information please contact the sport club directly +386 (0)31 697 729,